How do I transfer my website to LICOSYS servers without experiencing downtime?

Website uptime is a key concern for many domain owners when exploring transferring their domain to another hosting provider. In reality by following a few simple steps, you can help prevent any downtime.

After signing up with LICOSYS you will receive an account confirmation email. Immediately after receiving this email transfer your website content to our servers. Transferring your site can be done using a FTP program such as WS_FTP, Cute FTP or FrontPage. 

After transferring your website you will have the information on both your old hosting provider as well as LICOSYS web servers. This will ensure when your domain names technical information is changed through your domain registrar that your site will be immediately accessible on the world wide web.

Once you have uploaded your web site to LICOSYS you may cancel your web hosting account with your previous provider. Keeping your account up and running with your previous provider while you upload your content to our servers is necessary to insure no down time.
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