Mime Types and Apache Handlers

This section provides information about mine types and apache handlers.

Mime Types

To access mime types click on the " Mime Types " icon from the main control panel menu.

Mime types allow you to set how browsers open web files. To add a mime type, enter the mime type name and then the extension, without a period. Mime types (and Apache handlers – described next) should only be used by advanced users.

At the bottom of the mime types menu is a link to the list of all mime types currently installed on the system.

In the above example, web browsers would open *.fil files as plain text documents.

Apache Handlers

To access Apache Handlers click on the " Apache Handlers " icon from the main control panel menu.

Handlers tell Apache what to do with certain types of files. For example, .cgi and .pl extensions are processed with Perl. You could make Apache process .scr files with Perl by using the appropriate handlers. To add a handler, simply type in the handler name and extension (without a period) and click on " Add ".

In the above example, Apache would handle all .ima files as IMAP types, even though the default extension for image maps is .map.

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